Caterpillar Energy Solutions – Facebook Brand Page
Power Tour Myanmar
Accompaniment of the production of the video Power Tour Myanmar on Facebook (“Making-of”). Conception, implementation and ongoing support.
Challenge / Goal:
Awareness generation, increase of brand awareness, emotionalization
Implementation / Outcome:
Creation of a Facebook brand page, ongoing updates of texts, interviews, videos and images from the video production on site in Yangon, Myanmar, community management. The English-language channel is still online today and also achieves likes from Myanmar long after the active phase, currently over 1,900 subscribers (as of October 2019). A development that far exceeded expectations. The film won the Intermedia Globe Silver Award 2016.
Chris Brackmann (Design)
Accompaniment of the production of the corporate film (image video) Power Tour Mynamar on Facebook (“making-of”)
Clients and contact names:
Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 1, 68167 Mannheim
Frank Fuhrmann, Manager PR & Online Marketing
Time period:
February to May 2015