ZNS News
The central news platform of the professional associations

Launch of the central news platform “ZNS News” of the professional associations BDN (Berufsverband Deutscher Neurologen), BVDN (Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte) und BVDP (Berufsverband Deutscher Psychiater).
Conception and creation of a news platform linked from the websites of the professional associations BDN, BVDN, BVDP and which presents current press releases and dates of the participating professional associations, statements and latest issues of the magazine “NeuroTransmitter”. Bundling of the news of the three associations via a central news portal, avoiding news duplication on the websites.
Implementation / Outcome:
Implementation of the digital news platform as part of the network of the associations BDN, BVDN and BVDP, preparation of press releases, statements and appointments with links to the websites of the professional associations.
Launch of the central news platform of the professional associations BDN, BVDN, BVDP, including conception, implementation, content creation and search engine optimization (SEO).
Clients and contact names:
Cortex – Management GmbH
Wulffstraße 8
12165 Berlin
RA Bernhard Michatz, Manager
Time period: