MWM brand channels on Facebook and LinkedIn

Creation of two Facebook channels in German and English and a LinkedIn channel for the MWM brand, as well as the creation of a LinkedIn channel for Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH as part of the online communication strategy to increase brand awareness.
Challenge / Goal:
Intensive and direct exchange with followers and stakeholders, use of the Facebook and LinkedIn platforms for the digital distribution of MWM web news, the 150th anniversary campaign and contributions from the MWM Energy Blog; Responding to service requests, generating followers and increasing brand awareness.
Implementation / Outcome:
Development of two MWM Facebook brand channels (in German and English) and one MWM LinkedIn channel, weekly creation and publication of articles, videos and photos around the MWM brand, market-relevant topics and campaigns as well as ongoing community management with answering service and sales inquiries. The Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH LinkedIn channel is also used to communicate and disseminate HR topics. In addition, the conception and creation of social media guidelines for employees as well as instructions for dealing with service requests via the platforms were also taken over.
Creation and ongoing support of two Facebook channels and two LinkedIn channels for the dissemination of MWM-related messages, campaigns and news.
Clients and contact names:
Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 1, 68167 Mannheim
Frank Fuhrmann, Manager Online Marketing
MWM stands for highly efficient and environmentally friendly CHP plants for decentralized energy generation. Founded in 1871 by Carl Benz and now operating under the name Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH, the company has over 150 years of experience in the development and optimization of gas gensets for CHP plants.
Time period: