Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH – Facebook Page Cogeneración Mexico Assignment: Creation and conception of a Facebook channel to raise awareness of the customer’s gas engines in Mexico. Generating traffic and leads by publishing market relevant articles in...
Caterpillar Energy Solutions – Facebook Brand Page Power Tour Myanmar Assignment: Accompaniment of the production of the video Power Tour Myanmar on Facebook (“Making-of”). Conception, implementation and ongoing support. Challenge / Goal: Awareness...
ALLISTRO: Corporate Website From the middle class for the middle class. Assignment: Creation of a company website as a central information platform of the investment company founded by medium-sized entrepreneurs for growth financing and succession planning. Challenge...
Käfferbitz: Website Dental professionalism in a nutshell Assignment: Website relaunch Challenge / Goal: Elaboration of the exact positioning for the targeted approach of patients/potential patients, colleagues and partners. Implementation/ Outcome: Development of an...
MWM – Gas Engines on the Web Market gas engines globally Assignment: Relaunch of the existing MWM brand website for sales support. Challenge / Goal: Generating traffic and qualifying contacts into measurable leads throughout the online sales funnel Implementation /...