Landingpage “100 Years MWM Brand“ Online-Campaign to Celebrate the Brand Anniversary Assignment: Conception and implementation of an online campaign with the creation of a landing page for brand communication. Challenge/Goal: Creation of a landing page specially...
MSnetWork NETWORK TO EMPOWER PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) Assignment: Creation of the landing page for the innovation fund project “MSnetWork” to strengthen the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. Challenge / GOAL: Design and...
ZNS News The central news platform of the professional associations Assignment: Launch of the central news platform “ZNS News” of the professional associations BDN (Berufsverband Deutscher Neurologen), BVDN (Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte) und BVDP...
BDN, BVDN, BVDP: Association websites Focus on professional associations Assignment: Launch of the association websites of the professional associations BDN (Professional Association of German Neurologists), BVDN (Professional Association of German Nervous doctors)...
MWM brand channels on Facebook and LinkedIn #MWMGasEngines Assignment: Creation of two Facebook channels in German and English and a LinkedIn channel for the MWM brand, as well as the creation of a LinkedIn channel for Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH as part of the...